Thinking of earning additional income to supplement your current household income? Supplementary income can help you get out of debt faster or contribute towards a retirement account. You can even use extra income to save up for entertainment expenses like vacations. If you have such plans for the future, here are several ways you can make money without leaving the house:
Start a Blog
Blogging is popular more than ever. While some people blog for fun, most do it to monetise using advertising revenue. Keep in mind that just launching a blog won’t make your into a millionaire overnight. As long as you have an interesting topic to consistently write about several times a week, you can start gathering followers. The more followers you have, the more appealing your blog will become to advertisers. If your blog is particularly successful, it might even get adapted into a book or a movie, as some successful bloggers found out.
Try Currency Trading
Trading in Forex Australia is a popular form of making money for investors and brokers. You can try your luck in the currency exchange market easily online. However, make sure you find a reputable and reliable brokering website as there are plenty of frauds out there. Sign up for a website that also offers lessons on how to trade. Most legitimate websites would make it free for you to sign up and only charge commissions based on the successful trades you make.
Launch an Instagram Account
Instagram has become a powerful social media force worldwide. There are people who are not professional Instagram personalities who make their money solely off the platform. You can also try getting on Instagram to earn some extra cash by advertising products. As with blogging, you would have to launch an interesting profile and then gather followers. Brushing up on your photography skills would certainly help.
Do Freelance Writing
Freelance writing is one of the easiest ways to make money online. There are plenty of companies willing to pay freelancers to write up blog posts, press releases, little snippets, or website information. If you can decently write, getting a job in this field would not be difficult. However, keep in mind that you won’t get paid a lot, at least in the beginning. But it’s a reliable way to earn even a small amount of supplemental income.
Invest in Penny Stocks
Penny stocks are cheap stocks that are not listed in the regulated trading markets. Most penny stocks are worthless, but not all. If you can spot the worthless stocks from the good ones, you might be able to earn small amounts of cash each week. As a broker, you would have to work day and night to buy and sell stocks. It’s not an easy job, but can be financially rewarding.
Do Other People’s Homework
Love writing essays? You can help write or edit essays and similar homework given to high school or college students vial online homework help websites. These jobs exist in a morally grey area of course. If you are uncomfortable with outright doing the homework, you can help out with editing or assisting for a fee as well.
The internet is full of opportunities to make money. You can try one or two of the above on weekends to see if you can earn extra income.